• GameGod@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    This makes no fucking sense - They just finished putting these bike lanes in on big stretches of Bloor and University. These streets are always under construction, it makes no sense to just undo years of work. Did people not drive here before the bike lanes? Cyclists are still going to use these streets and be veering into traffic, blocking that supposed second lane. The second was always blocked with parked cars on Bloor anyways. The bike lane made driving easier and cycling way safer. It was win-win.

    The result is going to be driving is going to be way worse on these streets and cyclists are going to die because of this decision. It’s also hugely regressive. You should not be driving across Bloor or down Yonge or University to traverse these streets, because there’s literally subways under all of three of them.

    It’s just such piss poor management. The more decisions I see Doug Ford make, the more I see the image of that stupid fucking Ferris wheel Rob Ford wanted to put on our waterfront. Dumb ideas run in the family, apparently.

    edit: we have to elect smarter people who aren’t going to play these stupid culture wars games and waste our own money doing it. Doug Ford’s strategy here is to set up a fight with Olivia Chow in preparation for an early election next year, because he knows the “surburbs vs. Toronto elites” narrative plays well with his base. It remains to be seen if the city can/will meaningfully fight back against this or if our mayor is just going to give us lip service, because she still benefits from this conflict by being on the other side politically.

      • GameGod@lemmy.ca
        4 months ago

        There was basically no opposition, that’s how. People were sick of the Liberals and their new leader was hide-and-seek champ, and nobody really takes the NDP seriously in Ontario.

      • AnotherDirtyAnglo@lemmy.ca
        4 months ago

        A broken voting system, plus weaponized apathy. He got 66+% of the seats in Ontario’s Parliament with 17% of eligible voters choosing their local conservative candidate.

        Published polls for MONTHS before the election showed he was going to win by a landslide – so people stayed home, thinking it was pointless. They’re doing it in the USA right now with slanted polls showing it’s a toss-up, even though exit polls show that the majority of early voters are women.

    • fourish@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      To elect smarter people we need a smarter population.

      That’s not going to happen with social media reinforcing the belief that uneducated is not a bad thing.

    • NarrativeBear@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      This right here, “the second lane was always blocked with parked cars.” Pretty much sums up most of Toronto’s city streets. The second lane (or far right lane) is usually unusable because of parked or stopped cars.

      And as soon as a side walk gets widened or a bike lane goes in to use the space more efficiently motorists looses their shit.

      Bloor has really become more enjoyable as a street, and easier to traverse by car, bike and on foot.