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The original was posted on /r/afterplayio by /u/Halfwolf29 on 2023-09-07 18:01:49.
Just wanted to leave a quick message that I’ve been having a great experience with this so far. I’ve been trying to find a solid emulator for my phone for years that wasn’t too complicated to start up and was actually reliable and I finally found one here.
All other emulators I’ve looked for or tried would get revoked, disabled, or would require either a jailbreak or a computer to fully function.
This one was super easy to get started, saves very conveniently, fast forward is stable, and all the cheats work so far, both custom and preset. And above all, works on my office computer at work as well lol. Wasn’t really needing that, I would’ve been perfectly fine using only my phone, but since it’s web based, I gave it a try and it somehow isn’t blocked by my job, which is super fucking awesome.
Anyways, sorry if this seems a little extra, but I’m super happy with this emulator after so many years after trying all different ones.