I rarely lose steam, i always am full court press when i post and give my opinion on the internet. My question to God was what do you want me to do in life? Keep on with my stuff on the internet or just disappear. The answer became abundantly clear to me. Im not going to go as far to say I’m on a mission from God but i feel my place is to continue to push forward with my stewardship of exploding heads, sharing news and trying to improve myself in my personal life. For those that don’t know i have been through a drastic life change in the past year and things are now becoming easier for me. Anyway i won’t get into my personal life I’m going to just keep pushing. Anyway take care and lets keep posting ladies and gentlemen.

    • Wigglehard@exploding-heads.comOP
      1 year ago

      Throughout my life, I’ve had strange experiences happen to me. I’m not going to lie and you may think I’m crazy, but I have seen what some people would consider ghosts. Although my personal belief about ghosts is that they are either angels or demons. For example, one time when I was a teenager, I was hanging out with the wrong crowd, and there was this older man that was sleeping over my house because he was a part of a music group that I used to be in. This guy, however, was a piece of shit and had stolen a lot of money from a lot of people and was basically hiding out at my house, and I did not know that. One night I woke up when I was in the basement sleeping on my bed because my room was in the basement. He was on the other side of the basement sleeping in his bed because my room had two beds in it. All of the sudden the basement door swung open with such a force that it was like the swat team kicked it in. Long story short I turned on the light and he was dead asleep as if he did not hear it and was in some sort of sleep trance. At that point to orbs of light, the size of tennis balls appeared before me and started swelling around me like a moon does a planet. The entire room was almost sparkling as it filled with glitter, but it was not. Even my dog, who usually wakes up at the sound of a squirrel fart was in some sort of sleep trance, and only I was awake. As the orbs of light circled me, they disappeared slowly into the ceiling as they rose up. The next day I ran away from home and lived at a friends house and got a job landscaping. Shortly after that, my dad kicked that guy out of the house and I returned and began to help him pay off his mortgage with the landscaping job because he broke his leg painting a house. That is some weird form of divine intervention. Other times in my life I have heard God speak to me in words and other times, and things that he has revealed to me within my heart. However, my most recent prayer was for God to reveal to me what he wanted me to be doing. Part of my Internet, isolation was that I needed the time away. However, during that time, I began thinking deeply about the younger generation, and the disillusionment that they face. I view the rise of transgenderism outside of people, born with hermaphroditism, as a Satanic practice, pushed by the medical industry in need of profit, because they make a killing off of these surgeries. something inside me told me to keep pushing and influencing young people to not undertake these surgeries, and to embrace traditional gender roles. Even if I can help in some small way I feel it is my duty to do so. Even if I can save just one person from making that terrible decision, it could be a decision that has a lasting effect for generations.