“The American people are angry and want change. And they’re right,” Sanders said.

  • Curious Canid@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Nothing is ever really simple, but I am convinced there are two primary factors driving this mess. One is the incredible income inequality that none of our politicians on either side are willing to seriously address. The other is the destruction of our education system, resulting in people without the critical thinking skills needed to realize that their “enemies” are not each other.

    • niktemadur@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I can’t deny that my heart sank when I saw that picture of AOC glaring at Manchin smiling smugly in the podium, right after the asshole blocked a bill that would have supported working class citizens.

      I also can’t deny that in such an environment, change for the better can only be incremental, but that’s only when people vote, which includes at the very least midterms and presidentials, and which at best includes primaries, off-year and special elections.

      But once you get that change that you wanted - or the one you didn’t want - it’ll take decades of elections to change it back.

      The people have shown that republicans can do things like block SCOTUS candidates for months deliberately, or repeal Roe vs Wade, or lead insurrections, or sell out your allies to the kremlin, with NO FUCKING REPERCUSSIONS.

      You think they’re gonna stop anytime soon now that they’ve tasted blood and it tastes sweet to their palate?

      bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe

      • SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social
        4 months ago

        We have a two-party system, and no world government, or galactic referees to appeal to. The repercussions can only come from the other political party, which had many opportunities and strong desire by its constituents, and just… didn’t. Not even things that the President can do without Congress.

        Ostensibly because they were afraid of losing elections, but, well, here we are.