The CEO’s nephew has been promoted to CTO because he installed FoxIT on a laptop. Now they’re wanting to embrace AI/ML and require all software to use it.
We’ve trained a model on IPv6 addresses. How do I push out self-signed certs for all workstations to accept the model as a driver to perform TCP/IP functions?
Can’t use IPv4 because “CAT5 isn’t backwards-compatible.”
Why not have the model create an IPv7 system? I bet the CTO would promote you.
When I suggested this to him he took his shirt off and yelled “square up, Tyrone!” Then proceeded to demand that all presentations be created in Lotus Notes from now on.
You have it all wrong
You need CAT8 to bypass the Firewall to get the certs.
Instructions unclear, CAT9 hurricane spawned on our Oracle database.