Can we have the police deescalate situations?
Is that left photo a fucking mosque?
looks more like a streetscape to me.
Man look at how much you need just to run CS 2 these days
This should be a honey pot for the Barbara pit 2.0
You get 3 scenario options: the above racist depiction of the middle east, the above racist depiction of american urban decay, or shooting some klan members. The first two drop your ass down a cartoon trapdoor
I was about to ask for a scenario where you kill cops until I got to your third one.
American culture has not meaningfully changed since September 12, 2001
Decay is change
Death to Amerikkka
Oh fuck this immediately triggered memories of the Christchurch shooting. I’ve seen an insane amount of people die on the internet and irl but that video still really haunts me on a deep level. Seeing people larping as tacticool operators shooting up a mosque is sickening
the last time i went to a gun rage with family; i was afraid for my life and it wasn’t from the guns.
i waited outside for them to finish and they somehow still wonder why they have to bribe me to come visit for xmas and for longer than an afternoon.
Desire to practice with guns is hindered when every gun range is chud central. Where my leftist ranges at.
That’s why I go out to the woods
Went out to the woods with two comrades today! Got to the spot early enough that we had it all to ourselves.
Cracker gooncave vibes.
How does this work? Are you using real guns and shooting holes in the screen or is it a duck hunt style light gun? If they’re using real guns it looks incredibly dangerous for more than one person to use it at a time
There are dummy rounds you can put in an actual gun that activate a laser light when the firing pin strikes them.
And thank god because otherwise I would get so little practice
Laser in fake but realistic guns. Laser hits screen, camera on back of screen detects laser dot’s position. At least that’s my understanding of it.
So fancy Time Crisis?
deleted by creator
Duck Hunt Style, but the gun has compressed air or something for some recoil. Potentially also a shock device for when you get hit.
At some point the army at least tried using these for training, idk how common it was.
Oh my god
Of course the intersection of gamer treats and gunfucker treats is super fucking racist.
It would not surprise me if the targets in the cop scenario are
This looks like those fake Chinese workplace safety videos people do voiceovers for on Instagram