1917 - When the Bolshevik government overthrew the democratically elected Socialist Revolutionary government of Russia
1312 - Number of the letters in ACAB - ‘All Cops Are Bastards’ - a common anarchist and sometimes generalized anti-authoritarian slogan.
1488 - Code for ‘the 14 words’ and ‘HH’ - ‘Heil Hitler’. The 14 words being some Nazi shite about white women and having children or something dipshit like that.
12 - The age of consent your average libright wants to be legal
1917 - When the Bolshevik government overthrew the democratically elected Socialist Revolutionary government of Russia
1312 - Number of the letters in ACAB - ‘All Cops Are Bastards’ - a common anarchist and sometimes generalized anti-authoritarian slogan.
1488 - Code for ‘the 14 words’ and ‘HH’ - ‘Heil Hitler’. The 14 words being some Nazi shite about white women and having children or something dipshit like that.
12 - The age of consent your average libright wants to be legal
Caligula was born in 12 A.D.
They’re double dipping of course.
Typical libright greed