Ports of Shining Force Chronicle I, II, and III have been preserved by fans.

The original games were based on the Game Gear series Shining Force Gaiden titles released in Japan for mobile devices like Keitai phones before being ported to Android. They were available through the PuyoSega subscription service but are in Japanese, but were subsequently removed.

Thankfullly, Yeetdom101 has been able to recover the APK files and the games have now been preserved.

These games represent an important step in preserving Shining Force history, especially considering that Sega no longer supports these games officially.

What are your memories of the originals on the Game Gear? Have you played these mobile versions?


  • zod000@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    I had Shining Force Gaiden for the Game Gear and it was probably my most played game on the system. I wonder how different this version is, not that I’d remember it much at this point.