The Onion’s winning bid for the assets of Alex Jones’ bankrupt conspiracy-theory site Infowars is under further review.

    2 months ago

    “The Onion is proud to acquire Infowars, and we look forward to continuing its storied tradition of scaring the site’s users with lies until they fork over their cold, hard cash. Or Bitcoin. We will also accept Bitcoin.”

    Made me laugh. Good for them.

    Some of the victim families are okay with it, but it’s worth noting that there’s multiple victims, and not all are at the same priority in the settlement.

    To give a benefit of the doubt, to a judge who doesn’t seem to be at all under Jones’s sway, looking to ensure transparency among the affected victims could be a reasonable explanation for the delay.

    That said, it’s a fair bet that all of the victims will happily agree to give a huge “go fuck yourself” to any buyer associated with Jones. So any noise that Jones makes about winning is pure deluded fantasy.

    I hope others who feel the way Jones does about telling the truth are paying attention: The victims of Jones lies are justly and mostly successfully going after every penny Joens has, and look pretty likely to leave him with nothing, and possibly with a lifetime of debt service.

    I, personally, hope he’s the first of many. My understanding is that his phone records confirmed that he knew exactly what he was doing, the entire time he was doing it. Pure sociopath scum.