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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/Comfortable-Eye-8391 on 2024-11-28 03:57:32+00:00.

Published 30 minutes ago on The Conversation, the following article discusses the flawed methodology of traditional climate science. Australian researchers found that short term trends are, in fact, just as important as long term trends.

A key finding was the prominence of global warming as an attribute, both individually and in combination with other climate drivers. Climate drivers and their combinations can change with increasing global warming over shorter periods that contain extremes of climate. Hence, the use of 30-year periods as climate normals becomes less useful.

Collapse related because this study indicates climate change is less predictable or uniform than previously thought, meaning our current projections are woefully outdated. The researchers used machine learning to assist in their findings.

The study itself was published in Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability on November 21st.