Yeah no, fuck that shit. Not going to be lectured about how we should handle woman haters with kid gloves because they can’t handle rejection.
Like holy shit apparently getting rejected is only hard for cis men and it’s really fucking important. Guess what, it sucks for women just as much. Women get rejected too, but no one cares. Hell, no one even believes it because that sexism runs deep. Wait, actually no it sucks more for women because dating isn’t just putting your pride on the line, it’s risking assault and verbal abuse everytime too. Oh but on top of that they get to hear from incels (and the media) about how easy it is for women to date. But again, no one gives a shit, because they’re women, so who cares.
Meanwhile everywhere you look the media is discussing “Oh these poor frustrated young men. What a crisis. Oh those mean feminists! What do we do?” Because shit that’s just silently accepted as normal for everyone else to go through is apparently a crisis if it happens to a cis dude.
I’m not going to accommodate a scratched misogynist any more than I would a scratched liberal.
Damn, I hate this topic. It’s so painfully personal. Even though I’ve (mostly) struggled through it, it always haunts what I have to say about feminism and masculinity.
Incel culture is the synthesis of toxic masculinity and capitalist alienation because it combines harmful gender norms with the sense of estrangement and disempowerment produced by capitalist systems.
Toxic masculinity promotes rigid expectations for men to be dominant, emotionally stoic, and sexually successful. Incel culture distorts these expectations into a sense of entitlement to sex (and romantic relationships—which is also fucked up!), leading to resentment and anger when that doesn’t happen by magic.
Toxic masculinity and capitalist alienation feed into each other. It’s fucked up. It leads to a worldview where men feel disconnected from both society and themselves, leading to frustration, misogyny, and frequently violence.
I despise that way of thinking. I try to encourage the lads in my sphere of influence to fight back against those pressures, but it’s… difficult. I lead by example, and that’s the best I can do. I don’t know if I’m doing well, but I’m trying my best.