Eh the guy’s still dead either way, what does it matter who killed him. Him being dead won’t make anything better anyway, they’ll just get another guy to continue doing the same job and maybe increase police funding, so its all academic really.
But on a boring for-real note… yeah. I think everyone is aware this sort of “propaganda of the deed” stuff (if ideologically inspired) doesn’t actually work. People tried it before the Russian revolution and it certainly makes the lives of the worst people suck way more, but they didn’t significantly change what they were doing as a result. The Tzar continued Tzaring.
(referring specifically to attempted or successful assassinations. not ALL propaganda of the deed actions like bank robbery by hot mustachioed Georgian men)
Eh the guy’s still dead either way, what does it matter who killed him. Him being dead won’t make anything better anyway, they’ll just get another guy to continue doing the same job and maybe increase police funding, so its all academic really.
Not with that attitude!
But on a boring for-real note… yeah. I think everyone is aware this sort of “propaganda of the deed” stuff (if ideologically inspired) doesn’t actually work. People tried it before the Russian revolution and it certainly makes the lives of the worst people suck way more, but they didn’t significantly change what they were doing as a result. The Tzar continued Tzaring.
(referring specifically to attempted or successful assassinations. not ALL propaganda of the deed actions like bank robbery by hot mustachioed Georgian men)