Seriously though, don’t do violence.

    • rumba
      2 months ago

      Thank you.

      There are absolutely many sides to this situation.

      That guy should not have died, even through his own fault. A LOT of people made bad decisions and literally millions of us are voting in ways that perpetuate it.

      As a society, we’ve failed. He, and the rest of his board, and the rest of all the other boards should not have been allowed to get in a position where they screw over peoples lives for money. They certainly should not have been allowed to do so at such an amazing scale.

      Ideally, healthcare services and pharmacy should be non profit or set to regulated profits. This whole free market healthcare is a ticking timebomb.

      We shouldn’t be giddy that someone finally did one of them in.

      But we are, and it’s not, and they did, and he did.

      This is the first thing that has happened in a long long time that has the possibility of being the catalyst for change.

      I wouldn’t go so far as to say I hope it happens again, but I hope we find the change we need to stop being so trapped in our society, or it will happen again.