Edit: Fuck some of these comments Y’all sick in the head. I’m out.

  • underwire212@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    The only ones “sick in the head” are the fucking psychopaths who run this country. They kill millions of people each year for the sake of profit, and yet I never hear media calling them “sick in the head”. By DSM definition , they would be psychopaths. A legitimate mental illness. And I have zero sympathy for those who take advantage of their fellow humans for their own selfish benefits. In any normal society, they would not be allowed to exist. And when the functioning of a society is not being fixed through non-violent methods, what else are we supposed to do? I’m genuinely asking.

    If I am “sick in the head”, then so are many, many others. And if many others feel the same way I do, then that means it is not the individual who is “sick”. It is society that is “sick”. And sometimes the only way to beat a parasitic infection is to crank up the heat and get rid of them. So I think it’s time we crank the heat up and start demanding a society that puts the human spirit first instead of profits for the few.

    **responding here to your deleted comment calling me “sick in the head” since I can’t respond to a deleted comment.

    Edit: Attached your deleted comment.