• GregorGizeh
    3 months ago

    Why the fuck are there so many people in this thread trying to argue that a Chinese government sanctioned OS is a good choice?? Are you all insane?

    My point merely was, and still is, that people shouldn’t recommend CCP bullshit over windows out of some misguided “brand loyalty” to Linux. Yes, windows is a poor OS made by a for profit corporation, aiming to make money off their users.

    Now why the fuck would anyone conclude that instead of those “only” greedy pigs, a government that doesn’t even represent them and most certainly doesn’t have their best interests in mind, should have a native snooping feed built into their daily driver?

    Especially when there are more actually free and open linux distros to choose from than there are colors in a rainbow?

    TLDR: Windows sucks, I agree, but literally recommending government spyware over it is batshit insane and entirely antithetical to the free and open ideology behind Linux. And all the people responding to me seem to conflate arguing against ccpOS with arguing for windows.