Alright Helldivers post your loadouts below.

    2 months ago

    Primary: Arc-12 Blitzer

    Overseers and flying squids take too many shots with this, it does stun them, though. Otherwise I wholeheartedly agree on this primary for clearing groups of voteless. If you pair it with the Senator or grenade gun for the larger guys you have a solid combo for crowds and single heavies. Another drawback is not having a primary to drop shields from range but this can be solved with stratagem weapons and call ins.

    Support: MLS-4X Commando

    I love having this on a quick cooldown but like all weapons I have inconsistent results; sometimes 1 shot downs them sometimes they sirvive a full commando, 34T1T, 500kg, spear, and an orbital strike just for someone to down it with a thrown grenade. I know I’m bad, but not this bad? I hope.