posts about what the headlines would be like if China legalized beating kids in school

Liberal: The headlines wouldnā€™t be much diff g. Literally so many people above the age of 50 support that shit.

Me: Nah. I feel like western med would be all over that beating the drum about China beating their kids and it would be heavily exaggerated lol like the whole social credit thing.

Liberal: No. Legit no.

Me: How so? So much over there gets misrepresented.

Liberal: I think Chinaā€™s bad, G.

Me: Why? I know itā€™s not perfect, but it has my support.

Liberal: Bro they genocide the Muslims. Police state is it not? The way they enforce stuff. Mainstream media also has a problem with it so it almost certainly is bad in some regard. Plus destiny agrees and some politicians I like.

Me: Uyghur genocide is straight up western fabrication imo, like 30 Muslim envoys just went there and came back defending it. Iā€™ll find the source. Alot of that was propagated by Adrian Zenz who works for the US government and the victims of communism foundation which is a joke lmao. Typical 100 billion dead stuff. As for police state Iā€™m not sure what you consider that to be but I donā€™t see china gunning down minorities in the street or with 22% of the worldā€™s prison population despite being 4% of the worldā€™s population like the USA. What do you mean the way they enforce stuff? And mainstream media is us government and billionaire funded so it shouldnā€™t surprise anyone that the narrative is ā€œchina badā€ and diametrically opposed to socialism. I donā€™t really like or watch too much destiny, but what politicians?

Liberal: I highly doubt the slaughter is fabricated. I can look into it later to prove you wrong on that. But I doubt china properly reports their imprisoned and data and they enforce things through breaches of privacy.

Me: I really donā€™t think itā€™s legit. China is poised to take us over economically and is socialist. This is plenty of reason to propagate a genocide when the world order is capitalism. link the site where the state department admits not having enough evidence to declare genocide. Furthermore, most proof for this is usually 144p satellite images of prisons or something ridiculous like that. The falling birthrate argument is bullshit because the Uyghurs have just recently been placed under the same birthrate requirements as the Han so of course they will fall. What makes china less credible than the US? Do you have the same doubts for our bureau? What kinds of breaches of privacy are you speaking of? And like the United States hasnā€™t been spying on the entire population the entire time?

Lib: You have to understand if we declared genocide all hell would break loose. So first off you understand there is motive for the US to cover it up and not give a fuck? Especially since yk, we donā€™t necessarily care of Muslims that much? I feel like that would be the first thing that should come to your headā€¦ the US donā€™t care about Muslimsā€¦ but ig cause itā€™s china you are dissonance?

Me: Right, the motive is not Muslim lives, I think itā€™s anti-china rhetoric. and dissonance how so

Lib: Wym? uses my name look at your first message. Thats literally the us defending China gang. Come on you ainā€™t dumb. China is less credible because they donā€™t have the same checks and balances as we do and their departments are corrupt. Thatā€™s why we can say 911 actually happened and why if that Shii happened in China we would have no clue. If you really gaf about both sides you would kno why China cannot be trusted bro

Me: Departments arenā€™t corrupt here?!? You think our checks and balances genuinely work for the people here? And I donā€™t mean this in a condescending or rude way but do you know how china works? Like their system of participation?

Lib: there is a difference. Large scale deception is impossible in the US. Departments are separated in the US, in China they are not. Yes they do work for us here. I know not of one country that operates like the US.

Me: How is large scale deception impossible here bro? And youā€™re right they have far greater participation in many other countries lol including šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³

Lib (this is where it gets weird): Because Large scale deception implies cooperation between departments. We have real humans in the US with more means and less threat to their lives for leaking info. Prosecutions have to go through judges where everything needs to be declassified. China doesnā€™t work this way.

Me: You donā€™t think that those departments have the same class interests? And do you genuinely believe things are always declassified? Also what are you implying with ā€œreal humans in us with more means and less threat to their lives for leaking infoā€ lol the cia has killed journalists time and time again and or locked them up.

Lib: There could be some deceptions/ things done by individual departments sure but for example, a genocide could never happen in secret. Bro, not everything has to do with class. Other values exist in this world. Plus you forget there are hundreds of thousands of people in these organizations. Things would get leaked. However, china doesnā€™t grant its citizens the same things to prevent leaks such as heavy regulation of the internet. uses my name, you sound very dumb when you say ā€œdo you genuinely believe all things get declassifiedā€. With prosecutions? Literally yes. I donā€™t think you understand all court cases are public info G. Things have to be declassified in proesections Because it runs through the state judges. Look this up. Also, keyword CIA. A singular department. Meaning they were able to leak things. Dog youā€™ve been legit brainwashed if u think Uighur is faked. Like deadass thatā€™s some conspiracy stuff to claim that shit fake

Me: I am not arguing that it couldnā€™t be leaked here or that everything is covered up. Iā€™m saying some things surely are. But sure, letā€™s give our government the benefit of the doubt and say that these individual agencies (e.g CIA) are solely responsible for the destruction theyā€™ve caused and no other government force had a play in it. These people were never prosecuted for MKULTRA, for the hundreds of thousands of people killed, millions of lives ruined in the global south, etc. Many things have been leaked like you said, but I think itā€™s incredibly naive to believe that our government is entirely transparent (Here I made an assumption about what they were saying). Where are you making these assumptions about China from? As for the internet, they are subject to cyber attacks and heavy western influence. Of course they want a secure internet. Furthermore, you can literally get a VPN or some other shit and get around it, plenty of chinese do. Nobody is coming after you for that. Yes, everything when prosecuted is declassified, Iā€™m talking about the things that arenā€™t prosecuted and havenā€™t been leaked. Yes, we have protections in theory. This does not stop the persecution and suspicious unaliving of journalists and radical figures.

Lib: What assumptions do you refer to? Officials get away with incredibly terrible programs like MKULTRA which mind you, are INDIVIDUAL DEPARTMENTS, they have nothing to do with other departments. Deadass. Believe what you want, but that is legit how our government functions. Wdym our government is entirely transparent? I never said that. At all. my name. You are not defending there regulations on the internet gang. Deadass youā€™ve been brainwashed

Me: I apologize for putting words in your mouth. It seemed that was what you were saying to me

Lib: Iā€™m saying china works together department wise to prosecute without the checks and balance given in our systems. You can be honest if you dk what you talking about. Iā€™d also bet a lot of the journalists and figures you talk about that were unalived are genuinly just conspiracies youā€™ve only looked at from one side. I promise probably half of the mfs you think are subject to death by CIA is legit just a conspiracy wit little evidence. Also the VPN suggestion is laughable. Look that one up bud.

Me: having a vpn is banned, yes. That doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t ways to get around it if you want to see the western internet so badly?

Lib:I love how In your mind the INTERNET is just WESTERN MEDIA PROPORGANDA šŸ˜­

Me: Itā€™s not lol? Iā€™m saying this obsession with being able to say whatever you want with no consquences and all of the shit we have to sift through here is what, in my mind, would be penetrating into Chinese internet

Lib: Itā€™s either u have a foundamental lack of understanding how they regulate the internet, or genuinly ur brain is wired to think internet is western mediaā€¦ its also funny you say that. Considering you didnā€™t think about that when u supported the idea uigher Muslim genocide Is fake. Literal Concentration camps exist there Sure they arenā€™t extermination camps if thatā€™s what you feel Iā€™m implying but thag shit is REAL. And youā€™re a moron if you think itā€™s fake. Anyways point is Chinese are bred to be nationalist but also you believe the shit that comes out of their mouth even tho they have every reason to look out for thenselves only.

Me: I donā€™t appreciate the moron comment. Anyways. Yeah, every reason to look out for themselves only because theyā€™re fucking targeted endlessly by the rest of the world for upholding a different social order lolā€¦ also Americans are bred to be nationalist hard-core too I donā€™t see the point. I think weā€™re not going to get anywhere. Support to china from me.

Lib: I think the world dislikes them for more then just upholding a ā€œsocial orderā€

I then stop responding.

Am I stupid? Is the Liberal being overly condescending or am I just sensitive? Iā€™d like to know your feedback. Thanks for reading if you did.

    2 years ago

    You were so polite. Lib was definitely being condescending and rude. For whatever reason they can never resist the urge to be smug about their own ignorance. Theyā€™re real quick to accuse others of being brainwashed. Itā€™s ironic but itā€™s not funny lol.