Okay, I’m trying to get more Techrot Motherboards and the current bounty that appears to be best for doing it is one of the above. To make it short: This is an absolute pain in the ass. It appears to be entirely arbitrary what counts or not for ‘on high ground’.

Anyone figure out how to make sense of this?

Edit: I don’t like Volts. This being an Amir bounty is only making this more frustrating for me with him periodically using one of the trolling powers on me.

Edit2: Lost my patience with being trolled and quit the mission. Got them from loading into the Legacyte hunt without bounties. Amir, I like you but I hate that speed power of yours.

    • Keegen
      3 months ago

      Yeah, you are probably fucked if you roll that combo. Your best hope would be the multi floor collapsed mall room or maybe the laser show one that has those small islands that stick out above the rest of it, hard to find much elevation otherwise.

    • 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net
      3 months ago

      Exact same situation happened to someone I know. They spent like 30 minutes in the mission, then realized what the bounty requirement was. Tried kiting some enemies outside, but they wouldn’t spawn. So unlucky.

      Also, was peeved when being in Jade’s AC-130 didn’t count towards killing enemies from high ground. Can’t get much higher than that.

    • sandriver@dormi.zone
      3 months ago

      there are a few tiles in techrot missions that have multiple storeys, I usually just bullet jump up and find somewhere to stand or just wall latch.

      I always bring a nuke radial weapon for bounties, Akarius basically always gets the job done. Depending on who you usually bring for bounties, the Staticor is also an option but it needs a lot of support; in exchange you get I believe the largest radial effect on any weapon.