Good morning, friends. 🌺🌺🌺
19 December 2024
Once upon a time in the olden days I had a portable television that I purchased used because I could not afford a new one. This television had a 14-inch screen and rabbit ears on top of the set. Now I realize that people born in the 21st Century may not know what rabbit ears are, so I will attempt a description: rabbit ears were a sort of indoor antenna made two extendable rods that looked rather like the feelers on an insect - bet that cleared it up. While the TV worked okay it had one minor defect, there was no knob to turn the channel; so, I improvised with pliers. Okay, I should explain what a knob was on a TV, but I’m out of characters.
“Whatever people thought the first time they held a portable phone the size of a shoe in their hands, it was nothing like where we are now, accustomed to having all knowledge at our fingertips”. - Nancy Gibbs
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@[email protected] I was born in the year 2000, the last year of the 20th century (there’s no year 0 so the new century/millennium actually started in 2001) but I do have so appreciation for TV from the 50s to the 80s. TV had more charm back then, more life, more style, more vibrancy. It started to dry up through the 90s, and by the 2010s it was completely gone, replaced by the dull, boring, generic slop we have today. I’ve always said we should go back to Rediffusion (I’m not sure what the US equivalent was).
I had to look up Rediffusion, it sounds a bit like Cable TV.
@[email protected] It’s cable before cable was cable.
@[email protected]
We had something similar. A small portable TV where we could watch Star Trek (the old series with Captn James T. Kirk 🖖😁) at Saturday evening. At the same time on the other program they showed sports, mainly soccer. That’s the reason why our family TV was blocked by our dad, every Saturday! 🥴@[email protected] I love those reminiscences!
When I moved out from my parents’ house, I got such a tiny TV from my mum (already ancient at the time). Hey, I was grateful for having one first place! It had knobs, though. Rabbit ears too.
Had it more than 20 yesrs (in addition to the years it had been my mum’s TV). Of course it didn’t have a remote control. But as I was living in very small flats, it was quite manageable to change channels.Back in those days, it was manageable mostly because there was no other way to get it done. Now days, people might lay back and flip through the channels as soon as a commercial comes on and the remote control is the only way to change the channel.