Now you know how conservatives felt when Big Tech fucked us over in 2020 and banned us all. Thoughts? Shall we momentarily share a group hug

  • Lovstuhagen@exploding-heads.comM
    1 year ago

    Here I agree with you. But I know that fantasising all day long about violence and “finally getting revenge” while blaming “the opposite side for everything” will certainly not help. And this goes for both right wingers who are fantasysing about lining up and shooting all the trans people/leftists/sjw’s as well as all the extreme lefties who fantasise about “bringing out the guilitine” and executing all the rich people, racists and right wingers.

    Fate allowed me to reply to your post on Bastille day in honor of the guillotine…

    But let me say this… any sort of violence is always reprehensible, and even though I am guilty of laughing at it occasionally (which is uncouth and something I will address), I do condemn it…

    I think it would be beneficial for the patient, rational people on all sides to always remind everyone we are all people, and that we shoudl decide things

    • in respect of one another’s rights and autonomy
    • through consensus
    • recognizing that the other person is loved, cherished by their family
    • recognizing that we fail as neighbors when we let people suffer

    and that violence can only be done if it is defensive and meant to protect the innocent.

    It is because of these same principles that I endorse free speech, unconditionally. I have no right to coerce anyone, right… I would never use violence towards such an end.

    Pacifism, liberty, democracy… self-rule. These are all linked.

      1 year ago

      and that violence can only be done if it is defensive and meant to protect the innocent.

      Right but every possible group that advocates for violence of course claims that their violence is defensive and meant to protect the innocent. The violent far-right neo-nazi white supremacist claims they only want to use violence to “protect their white children and their people from white genocide”. Far-left antifascist militants claim they only want to use violence to “defend their community from fascists using violence against them”. Anti-trans militants claim they only want to use violence against trans people to “protect children from getting abused and child trafficked”. And my guess is that pretty soon, we will start to see violent environmental activists who claim they only use violence to protect the environment from destruction. And the state/police/military of course claims it’s using violence “to maintain peace, order and stability”.

      Nobody claims that they want to use violence just because, they always claim it’s defensive.