I would love the life of a house pet as long as I can play video games instead of sleeping all the time.
We just collectively need to convince our new overlords that it’s enrichment and just let me keep it I already have it, and I’ll be totally friendly and compliant whenever you want, I can pause, it’s cool.
Speak for yourself, I hope the furry aliens make me their pet.
(Source: SMBC)
Well, I guess you’re getting screwed anyways
Maybe he likes getting screwed.
I would love the life of a house pet as long as I can play video games instead of sleeping all the time.
We just collectively need to convince our new overlords that it’s enrichment and just let me keep it I already have it, and I’ll be totally friendly and compliant whenever you want, I can pause, it’s cool.
Would it change your mind if the aliens are responsible owners and neuter their pets?
Yeah, I mean I can multitask licking their tentacles while I game.
It’s all fun and games until de-worming time.
How many people have worms? I thought that was rare… Am I missing something and Kennedy is actually not an odd-ball?
almost all animals and a lot of people too have worms, most of them aren’t really dangerous though, so no worries.
but it’s less prevalent in humans than in other animals due to hygiene or sth
source: i read it somewhere
Not many people have them, but the aliens don’t know which ones - and they already have the anal probe equipment handy.
Shit, here I thought we were all going to just take heart guard haha. Your way doesn’t sound as fun.
What’s great is when they show up and become furry because they decide that furries have devised the best possible social system in the cosmos