Post your shave of the day for Friday!

    1 year ago


    I never tried OG Shire, but hopped on Shire 2 for the sole reason that I’m a big Tolkien fan. The description notes are full of things that I don’t typically go for. My initial thoughts of Shire were that it was okay. This morning though, something in the scent just really clicked with me and I just all of sudden… Got it. The tobacco really seemed to stand out for the first time to me, and blending with the Vetiver, Spices and Violet that Hobbit hole vibe just struck me. Fantastic.

    This Wade & Butcher is such a pleasure to use. Super light and the feel of the steel is just one of those “IYKYK” kind of things. Just really on a level of its own, and it takes such a keen edge. This was a wonderful way to start the day. Close and comfortable shave, no nicks or irritation.