Yes I know someone made a thread about the 1st game a couple of hours a ago- but that reminded me I got the 2nd part - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord here and im not sure what mods to get for it. I only dabbled in it for a couple of hours but I wanna give it a serious try this year.

I mostly want Roleplaying or quality of life improvements. GFX stuff is cool as well.

Im open to everything but total conversion mods ( Im gonna bother with those after I have a better understanding of the game)

Tips and tricks are also welcome.

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    2 months ago

    There might have been one that added a ‘missile barrel’ that you can get more arrows from in a siege, but I think I’m confusing bannerlord with warband on that one.

    Arrow barrels are already in vanilla Bannerlord so that was probably a Warband mod.