Does anyone have any good deep dish pizza recipes? Specifically for the crust? The craving has struck again for a Chicago deep dish and as there is no deep dish to be found in the land of flat crusts, I am in need of recipe suggestions.
Does anyone have any good deep dish pizza recipes? Specifically for the crust? The craving has struck again for a Chicago deep dish and as there is no deep dish to be found in the land of flat crusts, I am in need of recipe suggestions.
This has been talked to death by a number of legit pizza enthusiasts who have platforms, but if you don’t have the cast iron form for a Deep Dish style pizza, just use a cast iron skillet, or Dutch oven would be even better. That’s the trick.
Actually making deep dish as restaurants do, you’d parbake the crust in a form (set it), then sauce it and add layers before returning to the oven.
This is probably the closest you’ll get to that without a bunch of fuss:
Do you mean parbake rather than partake?
Lolz yes. Will fix.
I thought that’s what made sense, but wasn’t sure if I was missing something.
I’m planning on partaking in a parfake parbaked parcake while jumping a parwake on a parlake and holding my parsnake.