I’ve sunk probably a thousand hours into Slay the Spire, have beaten Hades, and just finished Cult of the Lamb. Looking for something else to scratch that itch- preferably on switch. Any suggestions?

Update: Y’all convinced me. I bought Binding of Isaac and am excited to start. I also tried out Dead Cells via Netflix, but feel like I’d prefer it with a controller compared to mobile. Gonna start with Isaac, and wait for a sale on Dead Cells. Thank you for all the recommendations! I’m saving this thread for future reference.

  • spireghost
    2 months ago

    avoid these run ruining pickups because you happened to forget what THAT weird egg looking thing did with a different weird looking egg thing.

    The stupid behavior of X item sucks is part of the fun of the game and why it’s so great, though. You pretty much forget all those broken runs you got, but I’ll never forget the times I found Plan C or used the Bible on Satan. I also think you’re missing that repentance modernized all this and there’s even fewer bad items than before. At this point there are only a handful of truly bad items.

    Hades is great and holds your hand, but the fact that every upgrade is more-or-less the same type of skill addition to your build is also boring.