We Just Got More Evidence That Long COVID Is a Brain Injury

The exact nature of long COVID is still coming to light, but we just got some of the best evidence yet that this debilitating condition stems from a brain injury.

Using high-resolution scanners, researchers at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford have shown microscopic, structural abnormalities in the brainstems of those recovering from COVID-19.

Signs of brain inflammation were present up to 18 months after first contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“We show that the brainstem is a site of vulnerability to long-term effects of COVID-19, with persistent changes evident in the months after hospitalization,” the authors of the study conclude.


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  • rumba
    1 month ago

    This should go both ways. What about

    The only one of those that was seriously surprising was Prism. We didn’t expect the tech to be able to exist yet. It was one of those “if you put enough money into it you can do it” buckets.

    OP’s examples are literally impossible.

      • rumba
        1 month ago

        Definition: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators

        also : a theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public

        Those aren’t all conspiracy theories. Those aren’t all even true

        The Wuhan findings led by a Republican Inquisition team with an agenda and is hotly contested.

        Remote car hacking was never a conspiracy theory. It’s a vulnerability, it’s not there on purpose or put there by a super secret plot. It wouldn’t even make sense as a conspiracy theory.

        McDonald’s doesn’t break their ice cream machines on purpose. J.M. Taylor just refused to give them access to reset system errors related to real problems and operation.