Earning well enough to look forward to a life of living in an apartment I don’t own until I die but not enough to buy my own house. Sad thing is that I’m probably in the top 10% of earners in my job in my country. And yet I’m not doing anything engaging. Nothing I’m doing actually is essential to the world. The world could do without the things I’m forced to make.
I feel stuck and the only thing that helps with that feeling is writing opensource stuff. Nobody I know of actually uses my stuff, so maybe it’s as useless as my job, but at least it’s out in the open and could potentially inspire somebody else.
The meme of IT staff becoming handymen or farmers might be me soon.
What open source stuff are you writing? :)
I don’t want to dox myself so have to keep it vague, but mostly scripts, small applications, wrappers, and dev QOL improvements.
I made many PRs on Github but most weren’t even looked at 😄 In the end, I left it and my opensource contributions have mostly disappeared with that as most projects insist on being there. It would be great if there were an in-repo bug tracker, synced with the forge the project is hosted on, to allow working on multiple forges 🤔
I believe fossil (vcs by sqlite folks) works like that, but that’s like a niche within a niche within a niche 😄
I put in my 2 weeks the other day. It lasted less than 8 months but they were miserable ones.
I don’t have any alternatives lined up yet, hoping to switch into something devops.
Eh, its fine. I get paid OK, I work remote full time, health benefits are good.
I’d like more pay of course, and a better structure around what I actually do (I’m considered a specialist, so I’m on… Everything). I’d have to leave consulting for manufacturing or direct to corporate to do that though, which comes with its own issues in both cases.
It’s fine. Could be better. Could be a lot worse.
I’m mostlyhappy with my job, the benefits and pay are relatively good. however, I’m becoming more and more disabled and I’m not sure how much longer i can do it. and that scares me, because I’m not skilled enough to replace the pay I’m getting here (custodial) or the pension.
I’m not.
Happy. But skeptical. I like the people I work with, I have a ton of flexibility, and I’m so well paid that it’s a little weird. I like this stuff, and would do most of it for free. But the MegaCorp I work at has been tightening their screws with worker hostile stuff: removing benefits, changing pay structures, trying to force me to go to the office, and etc. All that changes how I look at what I’m doing. They are, of course, psychopaths. I always knew that but thought I found a comfortable little groove in the system to do things I like with people I like. Now… Less. There’s an undercurrent of coercion that makes me feel a little icky, and now I’m more ready to roll the dice on change and seeing what’s next.