The other day I was at birthday party for a old family friend (he’s 98)

There were a bunch of people which I never met before. I normally keep pretty quite since that’s basically my default option.

Or at least it was until someone asked about AI. I’m not really sure how it happened but I got distracted from masking and immediately started talking loud and fast. I had to be interrupted because I was infodumping so quickly.

Right after I snapped back into masking and was dead quiet. I haven’t had this happen in a very long time. The person who asked about AI looked a mix of both startled and amused.

    2 months ago

    Absolutely. I’ve started dropping it more frequently because my best conversations happen when I drop it.

    Sure, I can go to a party and be the same old boring talk about the weather type of person but who really gives a shit about it. I, and I think most non-extroverted people, would much rather have a genuinely interesting enthusiastic conversation then trade vapid pleasantries. I am similarly highly (bordering on scarily) enthusiastic when talking about a topic of genuine interest which may make some people uncomfortable but at my age I’m comfortable letting those people self-select to go grab a drink while everyone interesting and I have a neat conversation.

    • Possibly linuxOP
      2 months ago

      I can’t really do that or else it becomes a one way conversation. I either focus on body language or what I am talking about.

      I read somewhere that Audhd people are the most monotropic people there are. That feels so true for me.