I simply love how DS2 has become such a meme-able cult classic, thoroughly deserves it!❤️
Honestly haven’t ever played it. All I know is exactly that - it’s being memed on and many people start seeing the good rather than the bad in the game. I just know that Majula’s theme fucking slaps and makes me happy unlike any other hub music in any FromSoft title
I’ve always heard DS2 getting shit just because it didn’t have the original game director. Is it actually good? I’m still stuck on demon souls and I refuse to move forward until I beat it
There’s definitely fans of it. Most people give DS2 a hard time because a lot of the game doesn’t stack up to DS1 and 3, but it’s still a Dark Souls game - it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Giving it a try definitely won’t hurt :)
Have fun with Demon’s Souls! Where are you stuck?
DS2 does some things right and a lot of things weird. The multiplayer covenants are the most creative in the series. Since you’re still on demons souls: covenants determine how you do multiplayer. Some are for pvp, some for coop. There’s straight forward invasion focused pvp, getting summoned to help someone who’s getting invaded and so on.
What DS2 fails is the general gameplay feels clunky and slow and floaty. This is due to various reasons: the biggest is that they put the quality of your dodge roll behind a stat called adaptability which determined how many invincibility frames you get and how far you chug your healing flask. So what happens if that at base level everything kinda sucks and to get a good roll like in past games you have to level an extra stat. Other than that i just feel the animations blend in a weird way that makes it all look off and unresponsive
What it massively failed is the world design and interconnectivity. Think how in demons souls each level is disconnected but the level in itself is consistent. Development of 2 started with a concept like that but then they switched to an interconnected world was too late to get it right and did stuff that would be similar to putting stonefang money on top of the tower of latria. They stitched levels together that had no business being together.
I liked the gear variety iirc.