Charles Barkley’s CNN show may have been short-lived, but that won’t stop the beloved NBA analyst from making his political thoughts known.

    1 month ago

    Then what?

    Even if enough people gathered together to overthrow the government (the last time people tried, it was only a couple thousand of the most fanatic… and they weren’t on the side of angels), what would you do then? If it were that easy to just “make a good government”, don’t you think someone would have done it by now?

    Even the often lauded French weren’t able to accomplish that, they’re currently between a Macron and a hard place of right leaning bullshit.

    We need more than a revolution of arms, we need a revolution of thought. People are well aware that there’s problems, but no one can really agree on what that problem truly is. We all just point fingers at each other like some Spider-man meme instead of trying to figure out how to make the situation better. Or just hope someone else does the hard work of making our lives better *cough* Luigi *cough* while we sit on our asses and complain about how much everything sucks.

    We need to stop working against everything and start working towards something. Until we do that, we’re just going to keep running around a circle… one that’s leading us directly down the drain “both sides” are leading us down.