Clarification: Just making fun of people(including myself) who watch shitty videos instead of official documentation.
Honestly I kinda like man pages. It is a pain but it is the least painful. And compared to e.g. the PowerShell docs, I love the man pages.
Having a good
command does wonders.There are man pages which do avoid me opening a web browser, the
ones are pretty good for example.I just installed
to test it out tho.Man pages fucking suck, and I say that having been working with linux full time professionally for 11 years.
The best ones have plenty of examples.
How about using tealdeer?
Man pages are for reference, not learning.
I mostly use Tealdear but
works well when Tealdear gets too simplified.Man pages suck ass. But not as much as fucking YouTube tutorials.
Can someone just write a nice plain English instruction page?
I’m in this image and I don’t like it.
To be fair we do the same with windows.
You ask someone for instructions
They send you some bullshit 10 minutes long video
Now instead of ctrl+f or skimming the article and jumping where you want to go you need to jump around in a video
I have a theory a lot of people are functionally illiterate and thus prefer videos as they can’t skim well
Some mans are unreadable. I’ve been curling[command] and its been great for example commands. Highly recommend.
I also like tldr for new commands. Sometimes I discover new ways by using it on the commands I know…
You’re not a real linux user unless you’ve read the source because the documentation was inadequate.
This is nixos.
For those that didn’t pick it up, this is sarcasm
I’d say that only those who manage to write a kernel code that doesn’t upset Linus Torvald are true linux users.
Even Linus Trovald writes kernel code that Linus Trovald doesn’t like.
Man pages are for people who already know a lot about Linux and understand all the nuances and understanding of Linux
Even after using Linux for many many years I still don’t understand wtf nearly all man pages mean. It’s like a fucking codex. It needs to be simplified but not to the extreme where it doesn’t give you information you need to understand it.
Tbh that’s most of Linux, not designed for average people, designed by Linux users who think that all others should know everything about Linux.
Enter tldr and navi
I’d like to add
to this as favorite is tealdeer!
Tbh a lot of man pages don’t even give you enough usage information to make full use of a package. I’m thinking of the ones which are like an extended
blockThey also usually assume a lot about the users’ knowledge of the domain of the program itself.
In my experience, many programs’ man/help is very brief, often a sentence or less per command/flag, with 2 or more terms that don’t mean anything to the uninitiated. Also, even when I think I know all the words, the descriptions are not nearly precise enough to confidently infer what exactly the program is going to do.
Disclaimers for potentially dangerous/irreversible actions are also often lacking.Which is why I almost always look for an article that explains a command using examples, instead of trying to divine what the manual authors had in mind.
l must be using man pages very differently from you. To me they are mostly the easy reference to check the available flags for a command, and sometimes the reference on available config file entries, e.g. ssh_config(5)
For those things I was using them quite soon when I started using Linux, because it’s quicker than googleing every time if you just need one flag or one option name. For more complex things, like tar-and-gzip in one which needs like four, I still google though.
Probably there are very complicated ones too, the ones explaining subsystems or APIs of the kernel, but those I don’t need as a user.
I don’t get it either. I can see how you’re getting confused if you end up in section 2 or 3 of the manpages or with the kernel calls. But that’s not what a beginner is looking for. The manpages for the user commands are pretty alright. Sometimes even excellent.
It depends on who writes them, I guess. More “modern” software come with pretty good and concise manpages, meanwhile stuff like the coreutils still have manpages that feel like an incomprehensible mess.
After many years of tiptoeing through the distros, from RedHat 5 and Mandrake6 to Slack to Gentoo and now Fedora 41. The last thing I want anymore is to need to go RTFM.
I don’t want to open a terminal to compile anything, (I got stacks of tee shirts), or goggle, (yes goggle), to make things work. I’m too old for this crap and I don’t have that much longer to live wasting my short time remaining staring at a terminal and reading man pages. Distros and Linux by extension should “just work” in 2025. And thankfully they do-- most of the time.
You want to be a Sysadmin and a cmd line commando, have at it. I’m peacing out.
Now if only GUIs could be called and worked telepathically. Or better yet, fix any problems before they happen without me even knowing about it.
That’s one of the reasons why I prefer to run older, enterprise hardware.
There’s a good chance, everything has been configured before and most distros work just fine without any tweaking.
I want a stable platform to work on, not another hobby.
“How do I do X in linux?”
“Yeah so basically you just need to run this command and it should work on Ubuntu 12.10 (Last edited: Nov 2012)”
“Hey guys the way to do X changed in Ubuntu 16.04, see this updated link (Posted: Jan 2017)”
“Actually Ubuntu 18.04 is now using Y so you have to follow this new guide (Last edited: Jul 2019)”
Crossed-out outdated guideFor Ubuntu 22, please reference this Canonical guide here. All other distros can simply use Z (Last edited: Aug, 2022)"
“404 not found (Canonical)”
“How do I do X in Debian?”
“You can run Z to do X (Posted: Oct 2013)”
“Thanks for this, it worked! (Posted: Sep 2023)”
“How do I do X in Fedora?”
“Ah just follow this wiki (Posted: Feb 2014)”
“(Wiki last update: Mar 2023)”
“How do I do X In Arch?”
“RTFM lmao: link to arch wiki (Posted: May 2017)”
“(Wiki last update: 3 minutes ago)”
“How to do X on Y?” “Why would you ever want to do X? Do Z instead!”
Did you know you can filter search results by time? When it comes to computer questions in particular, I always ask for results from within the past year.
Zero results found
Then it’s time to expand the date range and/or try other search engines. Sometimes you’re just fucked and you have to make a post.
I really like the man pages for commands that have examples of some common usage at the bottom, that gets you kickstarted and you can just adapt your own command from the example.
is good for this.tldr for tldr lol