I’ve started playing with it and it is actually pretty cool. I can create basic containers and then group them into pods. Once the pods are running and healthy I can deploy to Kubernetes
I’ve started playing with it and it is actually pretty cool. I can create basic containers and then group them into pods. Once the pods are running and healthy I can deploy to Kubernetes
Well an abstract from the real work might catch you in a weird spot, especially with the k8s world.
Eh… Without examples, I don’t know that this is a good warning.
Everyone gets into different technologies at their own pace. Even if it does bite OP in some abstract way because they eventually get to some complex use case, that’s okay; it’s all a learning experience.
Well let me pull my case stud…no
Kubernetes doesn’t work with a GUI, and uses a stalwart config format for a reason. Relying on an “easier” way to do it will have unintentional consequences.
Try getting a job with “Well I know Kubernetes but only if I can use this particular GUI uhhhhhhh.”
GUIs can be very good for getting started and learning concepts though. Much more “discoverable” and can allow for quicker iteration.
Then when learning the “proper” command line tools, the process should be easier as one already knows the concepts and terminology, and can concentrate on just the tooling.