I went to a lot of noise shows in my twenties. Some of the dudes took themselves way to seriously and played up the “I’m the disturbed artists bitcrushing damaged children’s gospel records” image but a lot of them were just nerdy guys who talked Star Wars or programming between their sets. Good times.
I don’t know if I would technically recommend Noise.
most wouldn’t even call it music; and that’s the point.
I love these illegal shows https://youtu.be/V1o6-6ONzns
some good introduction documentaries https://youtu.be/dzvduxWzuZg https://youtu.be/dGrN6PeIiOU
I went to a lot of noise shows in my twenties. Some of the dudes took themselves way to seriously and played up the “I’m the disturbed artists bitcrushing damaged children’s gospel records” image but a lot of them were just nerdy guys who talked Star Wars or programming between their sets. Good times.