I usually make cornbread but tonight I figured, why not make cornbread and baked potatoes? Kids were into it, I’ll probably make baked potatoes with chili next time as well.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Ask and you shall receive, my friend. Baked potatoes on top.
🤣 nice
Where I’m from we make baked potatoes with chile. Specifically we stuff baked potatoes with hatch green chile, grilled chicken, and Monterey Jack cheese haha.
I did that twice last week! the first time was so good that we did it again, and I ate until I just couldn’t handle it
I like making mashed potatoes and putting chili over those and eating it all mixed up together!
Man… I’m jealous, any time I make chili for baked potatoes… it turns into chili dogs and baked potatoes.
I wonder what my chili tastes like on potatoes?
Ooh, nice.
What’s your cornbread recipe then? I like chilli. I like baked potatoes. Maybe I’ll like cornbread too
Honestly, I just use a boxed mix from Krusteaz. Super simple, just add an egg, some milk and cooking oil and you’re in business.