The withdrawn proposal would limit the amount of PFAS chemical plants can dump into the water supply.
I don’t understand how killing off the working class can be potentially beneficial to the oligarchs. Surely, they can’t be this myopic?
Short term profit is all that matters
They don’t care about anyone. They just want to own as much as possible and when the world has no more to give we’ll starve and they will just watch
PFAS don’t kill, at least not quickly. It’s a net benefit for them if they can keep large portions of the population desperate as they struggle to pay for cancer treatments.
AI and robots I’m guessing they are thinking. So they don’t need us.
When did coke ever make less money? Nothing will.change unless people’s buying habits do.
It’s about causing harm and getting profits. Stop purchasing items that are toxic. Money is all they care about, stop buying so much crap, that’s how we fight back. Buy a carbon steel pan and learn how to make it non-stick, it’s all you need.
Stop purchasing items that are toxic.
stop buying so much crap
Easier said than done without any regulations to make sure that you don’t have to be rich to afford nontoxic noncrap.
Buy a carbon steel pan and learn how to make it non-stick, it’s all you need.
What are you, a monk? How are you even on the internet if all you claim to need is a single piece of cookware? 😛
I agree that “just don’t buy products that pollute” is unrealistic, but carbon steel cookware is quite easy to keep up with. You just limit your use of soap and clean it while it’s hot.
I think the thought is that you already accumulated everything else you need. If you’re a working adult, you probably already have clothes, kitchen stuff, TV, etc.
Just don’t buy anything new. Probably only need to buy pants and some shirts once every year. So much of the stuff we buy is unnecessary and doesn’t even bring a little happiness.
That’s still not true. Especially when you consider the planned obsolescence that those fucks have implemented to make sure we never stop needing to buy their crap.
The main problem I have with their comment (and, to a lesser extent, yours) isn’t the being wrong itself, though.
It’s the victim blaming, the shifting of responsibility from those who choose to make shoddy wares to maximize profits, to those who have no choice but to buy the crap, absent better regulation and enforcement of same.
Not to mention the ableist assumption that everyone is equally independent and self-sufficient.
I rarely buy anything new. Come to my house and I can spend two hours, literally, showing you around and pointing out the stuff I found on the road, got for free, made myself, or got stupid cheap at the thrift. My wife and I often make a day of hitting all the thrift stores in 1 of the 3 surrounding cities.
For example: I just built a kick ass new terrarium. Tank and light fixture from the thrift, painted and wired it myself, had to buy the grow bulbs new. ALL the decorations were found in the woods or on riverbanks, power washed and trimmed to fit. Paid for three of the plants, regretted being that dumb. The purple hearts were found at a gas station, weed eater clippings.
For the substrate, I rolled my own dirt mix, burned my own charcoal, gathered and cleaned the rocks. Hell, even the water bowl is a cut off wine bottle. See the black seedling pot? Found a stack of those in the woods. The seeds were from food we ate. The iguana was the only expensive thing, and I’m working on growing crickets in another terrarium.
Now put all that together out of Pets Mart. LOL, the driftwood pieces alone would be $10-$50 each, $100 for that much aquarium gravel. That’s a $1,000 setup brand new.
LOL, and as to cookware? I have LOADS of cast iron pots and pans. Never bought a piece new. Remember everyone shitting about black plastic kitchenware? All I could think was, people buy that shit? You can get nice steel anything at the thrift for $.25-$1.00.
Until I had to kill some time at a couple of big box stores, I had no idea inflation had gotten so bad. It’s stunning that people buy enough new stuff, and at those prices, to keep stores in business.
My frying pan has wifi. And yes I get weird looks in Walmart when I stroll in only wearing a carbon steel pan… around my neck. O_o
I suggest they start dumping their crap in Trump Tower.
When our Powers combine!
Oh shit! Captain Planet is drinking again! What is it this time cap? Trump keeps pillaring?
Trump was always Profit over Humans. So this is fully in line.
Just cause I wanted to know:
PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a large group of synthetic chemicals characterized by their multiple fluorine atoms attached to an alkyl chain[2]. These man-made compounds are known for their ability to repel water, oil, stains, grease, and heat[4][6].
PFAS were first introduced in the 1940s and have since been used in a wide range of applications[6]. They are found in numerous consumer products and industrial applications, including:
- Non-stick cookware (e.g., Teflon)
- Waterproof and stain-resistant fabrics
- Food packaging
- Firefighting foam
- Cosmetics and personal care products
- Electronics
- Carpets and upholstery[2][3][4]
One of the defining characteristics of PFAS is their persistence in the environment, earning them the nickname “forever chemicals”[2]. This persistence is due to the strong carbon-fluorine bond, which makes them highly resistant to degradation[2][5]. As a result, PFAS can accumulate in the environment, wildlife, and human bodies over time[5][6].
The widespread use and persistence of PFAS have led to increasing levels of contamination in air, water, and soil[6]. This has raised concerns about potential health and environmental risks associated with PFAS exposure, prompting ongoing research and regulatory efforts to address these issues[2][6].
Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]