I’ve seen a lot of people trying to guess if this was the result of some AI mod false positive or intentional. Well, it doesn’t really matter here, because:
Meta is in a position that it should be held responsible for what it promotes vs. what it silences. “We HaD GoOd InTeNsHunS” my arse, go pave Hell with them.
Meta apparently is a-OK removing protections against hate speech, because some dictator of some taco country demanded. But apparently the system (be it surplus value-based or slop-based) still works for other stuff?
I think that society as a whole should fight back against this shit. Since everyone and their dog is blocking Twitter now, perhaps Faecesbook + Threats + Instaslop should be the next?
I’ve seen a lot of people trying to guess if this was the result of some AI mod false positive or intentional. Well, it doesn’t really matter here, because:
I think that society as a whole should fight back against this shit. Since everyone and their dog is blocking Twitter now, perhaps Faecesbook + Threats + Instaslop should be the next?
taco country? Sweden?
I know you can’t mean Mexico because they just elected a very much not dictator
I’m guessing because the country that elected a leader the colour of a taco