Statistically, 58% of trans women that are placed in male units will be raped.

Here’s the call to action as to not violate rule 3:

“If you have anybody on the inside, make sure they and their attorneys have copies of all their legal paperwork. You can also spread news of this (but make sure to focus on facts and fighting rumors. I will always do my best to post updates that come directly from the inside either from Kara herself or from counsel.)”

The title and call to action are from the video description, there is more information about this there.

    1 month ago

    I mean, yeah. It has been war for a long time now. The fact that the war is one sided, and the group being targeted are our fellow citizens doesn’t change the ugly fact that nobody in real power has done a damned thing to stop it, beyond giving lip service when it’s convenient.

    All trans folk want to do is live life with equal protection under the law like everyone is supposed to have. What the enemy wants is eradication. It’s that simple. People can call it whatever they want, but that’s a fucking war. It’s just not something that is explosive and inconvenient to the majority.

    It should be. That which is done to the “least” of us is done to all of us. The crime committed against our neighbors and before citizens is a crime against everyone.

    But I’ll repeat the mantra again. Get armed. Get trained. Be ready.