With initial efforts aimed at swinging upcoming German elections and discrediting Ukraine, Russia's "Doppelganger" influence operations have expanded to the BlueSky social media platform. It took the Russians a while to get around to it, but they've finally begun running their disinformation operations on social media platform BlueSky. On January 17,…
I didn’t express that last part correctly. I meant that it was probably a single guy making those bots. A lot more effective that multiple funders, agencies, organizations and private companies working on “democracy” and “transparency”.
As for the fault. The trouble started with a coup in 2014. Then internal conflict and then Russia entered differently with war. At every step of the conflict you have the US behind. The coup to put a US puppet, arming them, blowing up Russian infrastructure, and using other countries to block Russian gas in favor of more expensive American gas. Russia has made clear they don’t tolerate NATO in Ukraine. It is as logical as Russia putting military bases in Canada or Mexico.