With initial efforts aimed at swinging upcoming German elections and discrediting Ukraine, Russia's "Doppelganger" influence operations have expanded to the BlueSky social media platform. It took the Russians a while to get around to it, but they've finally begun running their disinformation operations on social media platform BlueSky. On January 17,…
Well by that logic of age then gen X too. There’s a bit more insight for you.
No. Gen X weren’t parents until the internet was more or less in every household already and they aren’t as prone to misinformation as boomers (though certainly not immune).
Gen x absolutely were parents at the beginning of the internet. The earlier gen X were in their 20’s when the world wide web was demonstrated so were the parents of the first children who were born into it.
The oldest gen X were 30 by 1995. The vast majority were not even old enough to be parents. By 2000 the oldest were 35 the youngest 20.
Nah gen X were there too. My point still stands and I guess you just have something to argue against older folk. Have a great rest of the week.
I didn’t say they weren’t there, I said they were most of them not parents when the internet hit mainstream in the way boomers were.
There are differences between generations. Grow up.