big sord
Elden ring got me into the kamehameha, int build. Also, Azur’s set looks sick. I know it’s cheesy, but it’s so fun. I also loved my bloodborne build, but it was a lot different. I killed the moon with Ludwig’s holy blade. It was too cool not to. Something about that game made me want to focus on making my character as cool as possible.
Honestly, can’t fault you for that. It’s a cool spell, feels and looks amazing, and with the crystaltear, it’s free for 30 seconds which is usually enough time to kill.
Never got into LHB. I definitely see the appeal and like it design-wise, but I found it a little too slow for my taste. Its versatility it’s pretty good though because you cover different ranges and can have quality scaling, I think?
I always stick with the basic rags and find the biggest fuckin hat I can. Then I get the biggest bonk I can weild at the time and start bonkin. Makes for some challenging fights haha
Holy shit this sounds amazing
I like rags and fast roll, dodging and parrying like mad. favorite melee weapon in DS1 is the Great Scythe, the two-handed running R1 into a small crowd is delicious magic.
Very boring sword and board. In DS1+2, combined with pyromancy.
Tried and true
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Dex spellsword glass cannon, DS2
If it doesn’t kill you in two hits, it’s not a boss
I really like any DoT builds. Bleed was my favorite in ER.
“The build” it is perfect because you level every stat evenly making you good at everything.
Sorcery/spellsword. I like the style and the versatility