As Trump is gonna put his insane tariffs in place, what do you guys think is the goal here? Because I fear that he is playing 4D chess but making it look like he is playing checkers, and if his tariffs are out into place it’ll undoubtedly anger and radicalise lots of Americans especially, and just cause a general shitshow for approval ratings and threaten the domestic safety of capital. Thoughts?

    1 month ago

    We might delay the crunch by simply appeasing Trump for now, but ultimately everyone needs a basic mutual aid strategy for bank runs and layoffs - and the only long-term solution is a thorough reconsideration of how to light the coming swell of revolutionary potential our aristocratic unions and parties sure won’t.

    I think you nailed it. Canada will get crunched and any exports to US are going to lose profitability with 25% tariffs in place. Demand will fall eventually because Americans aren’t an infinite source of money.

    You don’t need accelerationism when Trump is president. The Canadian car factories are going to feel the pressure. They never gave a shit about diversifying away from the US market so the layoffs will be coming.

    Revolutionary potential? Possibly. When there’s mass layoffs you kinda need mass employment to address it.

    If Canada had any brains they would trade with Europe. But they are too stupid and gutless to do that.