As Trump is gonna put his insane tariffs in place, what do you guys think is the goal here? Because I fear that he is playing 4D chess but making it look like he is playing checkers, and if his tariffs are out into place it’ll undoubtedly anger and radicalise lots of Americans especially, and just cause a general shitshow for approval ratings and threaten the domestic safety of capital. Thoughts?

  • 矛⋅盾
    1 month ago

    editing for conciseness/i ramble too much

    some points to think about ::

    • retracting from current operations that ultimately are money-makers for the MIC comes with a "cost“ incurred against “national security interests abroad” or whatever jargon they like to call imperialist operations.
    • the track record of new planes failing if they can even get off the runway.
    • hypersonics or (as far as I have heard) defense against hypersonics, lacking
    • industrial capacity and supply chain not there anymore. sure it can be built up but how long would that take to reverse and how could it still square up on bloated rent-seeking financial services/investment economic basis (or rather, how it would even be possible to commit to efficiency while rent-seeking behavior is allowed to continue. I can’t see trump or any president going shoulder-to-shoulder with like… banks. redevelopment of industry will not be a money maker, upfront costs are immense, training is expensive, etc)
    • mining capabilities can be built up again but we do not have domestic sources for certain things like rare earth metals
    • modern warfare depending more on computers/tech. so, manufacture of chips. getting tmsc to build a plant in arizona certainly is a move in that direction, but uh. look at the news regarding those operations.

    in summary, I do see a point and trend towards retooling/trimming the fat, starting an era of concentrating inwards rather than outwards, but even if it was possible to oust the vultures of the MIC, I’m still unsure if that would be enough to get the military on proper even footing with foreign adversaries, particularly on innovation and tech