ID: WookieeMark @EvilGenXer posted:

"OK so look, Capitalism is right wing.


If you are pro-capitalism, you are Right Wing.

There is no pro-capitalist Left. That’s a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."

    1 month ago

    Liberals also love saying that to justify “vote blue no matter who.” But what have the Democrats been doing differently other than giving breadcrumb policies?

    Sorry liberals, but the truth is that you guys also benefit from the status quo at the expense of the working class but don’t want to admit. Senior Democrat leader, Nancy Pelosi is, after all, the biggest player in the stock market earning millions. If America has a multiplural party system and could articulate their positions better, the Democrats are centre right and would be very much described as close to centrist French president’s Macron neoliberal ideology. Socially liberal but economically conservative, and he’s one of the most unpopular president in French politics. He dislikes the far right, and yet does nothing policy-wise to alleviate the working and middle class concerns which only slowly nudges them to the far right. Doing nothing economically and telling people to support the status quo is tacit support for the far right despite hating them on the outset.

    • nomy
      1 month ago

      I don’t think you’ll find anyone here defending Nancy Pelosi, she can go against the wall with the rest of them.

      I’m not even sure the liberals you’re talking to are on lemmy honestly.

        1 month ago

        There are many on Lemmy, but they tend to be down voting instead responding when you criticise the thirty years of neoliberal policies of outsourcing and de-investment of public services is what made the working class, especially those in rust belt and others, embrace the far right. Instead, liberals blame people as being plainly stupid. Even if some respond, they shy away when you mention that jobs outsourcing without offering alternatives, and lack of affordable healthcare and houses are what made the poor vote for Trump. American liberals are remarkably similar in behaviour with those in Europe. They wonder why the far right is gaining ground, but are tone deaf even from experts who say the lack of jobs and affordable housing is what makes populist on the rise. The most obvious reason is that liberals don’t want affordable housing because it brings down the value of their property. In California, it’s the same NIMBYism and so is here in Europe. It’s the socially progressive and yet economically conservative (this is what liberalism in the classical sense means) property owners do this as much as the right does. The former express sympathy for the homeless, but when there is proposal to build affordable housing they would object. Liberals just don’t want to admit it.

      1 month ago

      Look at you. Just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks? Why don’t you just go ahead and mention the Clinton’s while you’re at it. Someone who has retired from politics and someone who isn’t even a US politician is your argument? “Butwhatabout! Look! Over there! Someone else did something!” If you’re going to span the globe for comparisons I’m sure I could find plenty of right wing theo- or other fascists who have destroyed countries.

        1 month ago

        Well the retired Democratic leaders still benefit from it. “You scratch my back I scratch yours.” Hillary Clinton got the DNC nomination in 2016 primaries because she paid off DNC’s debt; even though Bernie Sanders is the more popular candidate. The Clintons are out of politics but they are comfortable retired from the money they made while the country burns.

        Speaking of Clintons, it is under Bill Clinton who started the outsourcing. Hence, why Trump ran on the platform of re-shoring jobs and is one of the main reasons he won out of many (but his approach to it is very brash by imposing tariffs in order to coerce American companies to re-shore). Neoliberal policies did not offer any alternatives and cast aside their concerns, which made the working class welcome the embrace of a demagogue. Ancient philosophers have made the same observations before about what makes demagogues popular but people never learn.

        Anyhow since you are asking if there are any current liberals in politics who can be blamed, why not ask the current DNC on why they haven’t picked Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for the Oversight committee? That’s right, they don’t want a progressive so as not to ruffle the feathers of the same oligarchs who support Republicans.