I live in America and shit is hitting the fan fast (at least it feels like it). I’m scared in the next few months life as I know it will just fall apart. I hate to sound selfish or like I don’t care about others, but I’m in college, which took me 5 years because my mom pushed me into a major that was hard for me and I wasn’t interested in, and I couldn’t switch majors until I tried to fucking kill myself. Anyway, this is my last semester and I’m scared that I won’t be able to graduate and truly be over with it (undegrad at least). Obviously people have it worse, and I acknowledge that, but when I’ve spent 5 years on something that I was told would be good for me, especially when I had the chance to only do four if I had complete control over my life, it just makes me feel like shit and not want to go on. I see pics of people in Gaza still making the most of their situation and it just makes me feel more like shit. Like they’re in the midst of a war zone and I’m crying about higher education. I’m pathetic.
Sorry, I just had to ramble.
It’s a valid concern. It’s frustrating that the US is such a clown show. It’s sad seeing peoples live be wasted for no reason. Edit Perhaps what I’m trying to say is. You’re not wrong. It may suck worse for others but you’re not them. Empathy is a blessing and a curse. Sounds like you’re crushing it, keep it up. :)
thank you