I self hosted an instance at is.hardlywork.ing, my images are getting cropped and losing the top and bottom 25% of the the image, leaving me a zoomed in rectangle. I tried on web browser, phone app, etc. same issue uploading any 1920x1080 photo.
I self hosted an instance at is.hardlywork.ing, my images are getting cropped and losing the top and bottom 25% of the the image, leaving me a zoomed in rectangle. I tried on web browser, phone app, etc. same issue uploading any 1920x1080 photo.
Just made it yesterday, stuff is just starting to show up more consistently, I made it so I can upload images without issue or so I thought lol. I just used the first one I was logged in on my phone, ill prob keep using this one til im done subbing to more placss, and even then swap between them in case I miss stuff