"There's no reason to build this in Guantánamo unless you want to do things you don't think you could get away with on the U.S. mainland. It's easy to put tents in Florida. But they're putting them in Cuba. Ask yourself why."
This was issued in 2009. It’s obstructed (by the same institutions not obstructing Trump right now), and Obama slowly releases inmates over the next couple of years. What you’re linking to there is a “final” plan in 2016 to close it after the prison population of Gitmo had been reduced from 800 to 91.
A final plan that never happened because Trump took office.
He did start the process sooner:
This was issued in 2009. It’s obstructed (by the same institutions not obstructing Trump right now), and Obama slowly releases inmates over the next couple of years. What you’re linking to there is a “final” plan in 2016 to close it after the prison population of Gitmo had been reduced from 800 to 91.
A final plan that never happened because Trump took office.