EDIT: @[email protected] shared something that might help to circumvent this shit:
Contained in these parentheses is a zero-width joiner: ()
Basically, add those to whatever you feel that might be filtered out, then remove the parentheses. The content inside the parentheses is invisible, but it screws with regex rules.
So what’s up with “not gonna lie”? I’ve been hearing it for over a decade, and I hear it from known liars, people I trust, and all the shades of in-between. This is the first time I’ve seen it on Lemmy.
If someone I trust says it, I trust them less.
If a liar says it, I know they’re about to lie. It’s the “I’m not racist but” of liars.
I worked with a woman for years that said “not gonna lie” roughly 30 times a day. I liked her, I just hated that so I could be biased.
I realize this is completely derailing the post but do you have any insight on this phrase?
It’s only there because there’s some odd contradiction between the first and second part; someone who considers the existence of Reddit “sad” wouldn’t be expected to be there. @[email protected]’s reasoning is in the right direction, with the “something shameful” being “to be in Reddit”.
That said I’m a bit too prone to spam discourse markers like this. Or like “that said”.
OP uses it in a weird way here, usually I see it used to admit something shameful, which you’re more inclined to believe