This is a beautifully written and incisive article that I chanced upon this evening. I don’t know how we happened on the subject of the film, but my wife wondered aloud if there was a chance that the diva’s performance was authentic, meaning voiced by a single person in real time. To my knowledge, there’s no way for a human to be polyphonic to the extreme degree of the diva, but I tried to dig up some info on the subject anyway, eventually coming across this lovely piece. I hope you’ll find it, as I did, an brief respite from the terrible reality in which we find ourselves. ✌️

  • tigeruppercut
    1 day ago

    There are a few people on yt doing the song-- there’s a vocal coach doing reviews who says one singer hit all the notes as written and one made only slight adjustments while maintaining high operatic quality.

    starts @14:30 if the time stamp doesn’t work