That’s why I created this name, to give people a bit of a laugh. That and the Hot Rod sketch. I also try to be as positive in my comments as possible, but there are days where that falls by the wayside.
We also had a white cat when I was younger (also named after snow), and he was amazing, both in emotional and normal intelligence. Just an incredible companion. He went missing more than 10 years ago, but I still miss him often.
She looks exactly like my old cat. Her name was Snowball.
This gal is named: Winter.
A beauty and a scholar, she is.
You have a great user name: “Cool beans.” is one of my fav sayings.
That’s why I created this name, to give people a bit of a laugh. That and the Hot Rod sketch. I also try to be as positive in my comments as possible, but there are days where that falls by the wayside.
Because her fur was pretty, and white?
We also had a white cat when I was younger (also named after snow), and he was amazing, both in emotional and normal intelligence. Just an incredible companion. He went missing more than 10 years ago, but I still miss him often.
Exactly so. She also had a really scratchy meow, but the loudest purr.
It is your old cat. It was taxidermied.
I doubt it, the vet would have charged me a lot more for putting her down.