For me, it was at a friend’s house when I was a kid and it was my first multiplayer game. I remember being so hooked on it that as soon as I got home I went straight online to order a copy. From that point on, my mom basically lost access to her computer. I was just blown away at the time by the game’s physics and the fact that I could team up and play with my pal from a distance.

    4 days ago

    A teacher told us about it in the physics lab, we played one afternoon straight, and then it was on.
    I spent a large part of my teenage years on this game. I was a devoted T:V player when there were a handful of competitive teams and a worldwide tournament.
    I recall a few names from that time like zbd from Drunken Masters (DM), prokhoi and darkyangel from Where is Your Flag (WYF), nävis and aquasky from Original Crime (oC), yidbon from Actual Injustice (ai), zhou yu from Dynasty Warriors (DW), Kiss My Ass (KMA), preShot (pS), etc… and I’m definitly forgetting a lot of people here.
    This game made my childhood a little happier and allowed me to escape life’s hassles.